Managers and Leaders: Improving your team’s performance has never been more important than now. See how habitAMP is your simple, effective solution for success...

habitAMP, is a new micro-habit-building performance platform for teams; a turnkey solution for team leaders looking to reach specific performance targets. This breakthrough approach includes everything you need for sustainable, successful outcomes:

  1. habitAMP smartphone/desktop app
  2. Live habitAMP set up, coaching and support
  3. Small teams to enterprise level scalability


Successful outcomes from the habitAMP platform is based on 4 proven insights that ensure predictable and sustainable performance improvements.

The habitAMP Platform Core Insights:

  1. Micro-Habits Rule! Behavioral science proves that big performance improvements result from changing a set of small, easily addressable micro habits and behaviors.
  2. Learn by Doing. Experiential learning combined with this micro-habit framework, allow new habits to form into a sustainable part of your process.
  3. Measure Progress. Measuring progress motivates, rewards, reinforces and sustains these new habits.
  4. Stacking Habits. Stacking these micro improvements is the most powerful generator of superior and sustained performance outcomes.

Best of all – habitAMP is Easy to Implement!

  • It only requires 5 minutes a week from your team!
  • It only requires 15-25 minutes a week from you or your managers!