David Arnowitz's Recent Posts

Curated Article: The Performance Management Revolution

There have been repeated attempts to save annual employee performance appraisals from the trash heap of failed corporate HR policies. For companies participating in the digital age, it is another example of good intentions from the industrial age that do not fit anymore. The HBR article by Peter Cappelli and Anna Travis explore this failure in detail and why it continues to persist. The question still to be settled is: What is the best way to replace the 50+ year old practice?

Curated Article: The Cultural Revolution

A new paradigm in corporate learning circles is emerging. Say goodbye to the classroom and hello to the learning journey. A new article in Chief Learning Officer magazine describes the reinvention of corporate learning into the corporate culture function. It proposes that chief learning officers become chief culture officers, and the learning and development (L&D) department become people and engagement (P&E). Meanwhile, learning needs to change from a one-act classroom event to an ongoing learning journey that strengthens and sustains the company culture. This is a complete reshaping of corporate learning programs into culture campaign programs. It is an excellent article.

New Approach for Corporate Diversity Programs

[This post is part of a series called Exploring Cultural Intelligence written by David Arnowitz, co-founder of Arnowitz Culture Agency. The series will explore the problem and solution spaces that encompass the field of Cultural intelligence. Cultural intelligence research is central to the ACA approach of corporate culture/performance improvement programs]


Curated Article: Culture Change That Sticks

Jon Katzenbach has delivered some great advice over the years for those considering culture change efforts in any organization. In the summer of 2012, he co-authored an article that still has great insights—two of which have proven out in our culture work at Arnowitz Culture Agency. First, focus on a few critical shifts in behavior. Secondly, honor the strengths of your existing culture. His HBR article is an excellent introduction to what makes a culture change ‘stick’.

Curated Article: Employees Say Company Training Isn’t Helping

A new Chief Learning Officer Magazine article reports on a new study that concludes current corporate training programs are failing to help employees. This is actually not much of a surprise since it supports numerous other studies that have concluded the same. A new approach is really needed, and it should start by aligning with the way people actually learn and the role culture plays in this learning.

How to Measure Culture ROI

Everyone agrees corporate culture development is important. But how can you tell if a culture change program is working? How can you see if there is any real business impact? How can you measure culture ROI?

David Arnowitz shares insights from his company’s successes in creating a Culture ROI framework in a video from the Shocase presents Creatively Speaking podcast series hosted by Debra Carney.


Welcome to the ACA Corporate Culture Matters Blog

Our journey at ACA is focused on improving Corporate Culture–the expression of aspirational values into practical action. A journey fueled by our belief that individual, team and company performance can be improved in synergy with one another. We use our creativity to foster creativity in others ability to solve problems and overcome cultural divides.

The journey has seen our team explore the corporate pain points of recruiting, onboarding, career development, corporate cause, employee engagement, training, best practices, knowledge management, corporate communications, event programs, cultural intelligence and, of course, culture change. The simple truth is–culture runs through all these issues–living our values as individuals, teams, and companies by acting on our values. Let me say that again, acting on our values. It is through ‘doing’ that we can improve or lose what we cherish most in our culture. Identifying the behaviors and practices we want to improve is what true culture change (for the better) is about. From employee celebrations, meeting practices to complex customer experiences–a good culture is the way an organization can quickly adapt to any disruption and/or business problem.

We created this blog to explore the insights of global thought-leaders and the results of our culture practice:

  • Investigate behaviors and habits that improve corporate culture
  • Obstacles to improving culture
  • Criteria for judging culture
  • Role of technology in culture building
  • Corporate culture ROI and impact
  • Happiness metric(s) for your culture
  • Culture impact on different corporate capabilities and functions
  • Review culture program frameworks

The one certainty about this journey is that it will evolve and change. I am certain to return to this welcome post and all our posts, to update and refine these thoughts in light of new insights from outside and within.  For this is the unchanging truth of culture–it is always changing. The real choice is how do you participate in the change.

We at ACA welcome and thank everyone that will join us on this journey!